As you will know, wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do here at BFIS. Our main aim is for our children to be happy and healthy so that they can ‘Be their Best’. To celebrate and raise awareness of how we can stay happy and healthy, we are acknowledging Children’s Mental Health week w/c 7th February and focusing of our ‘Be Kind and Gentle’ owl. The theme for Children’s Mental Health Week this year is ‘growing together'.
Safety Caring Achievement Resilience Friendship
We have launched Children’s Mental Health week by having a series of workshops in school linked to our SCARF PSHE curriculum. Happy, healthy Harold the Giraffe has been helping the children to think about keeping their minds and bodies healthy. We will be doing lots more SCARF activities next week.
If you would like to join in at home, please click on these links for ideas of activities that you could do together as a family:
SCARF Children’s Mental Health Activities
SCARF Being My Best Activities
We will also be looking at resources and activities from ‘Place2Be’, a charity who are committed to supporting children’s mental health. We will be sharing lots of stories and thinking about feelings and what we can do to help ourselves feel ‘green’ again. For more information about Place2Be, please visit the Place2Be website.
Each day we will focus on one of our Wellbeing Characters to help the children think about Mental Health.
On Monday, all classes will have a ‘Dance Yourself Fit’ session with Project Dance.
On Wednesday, we have ‘Night Owls’ coming in to school. The children will have the chance to watch a flight display and learn about the owls, as well as have their photo taken with the owl if they would like to (this will be available for you to purchase - a separate letter will be sent about this on Monday).
On Wednesday and Thursday, all classes will have a Yoga workshop and learn about the benefits of body awareness and mindfulness and how it can support emotional regulation.
We will also be spending lots of time outside to explore how nature, playing with our friends and exercise can help us to feel better.