Computing - Early Years Reception |
What we aim to achieve through our Computing Curriculum?For all the children to have an understanding of the use of computers in everyday life. Bespoke curriculum linked to Mantle of the Expert topics. |
How our Computing Curriculum is delivered...Where linked to Mantle of the Expert the learning is directed to achieve an outcome (i.e. producing a piece of art on a painting programme). Laptops are provided as part of the free flow choosing at set times across the week. Adults model use of the software and monitor the learning. |
What difference is our Computing Curriculum making?What assessments we use? How we track progress.Children can make the link between cause (their action) and effect (a programme responding). Children have a basic understanding of how to stay safe in the digital world. AfL used to assess against Technology ELG. |
Computing – Key Stage 1 |
What we aim to achieve through our Key Stage 1 Computing Curriculum? What schemes we follow and why?On leaving our school we aim to have children who are starting to understand how Computing impacts their lives inside and outside school. They will be users of IT and creators of digital content, with the emerging ability to apply computational thinking across their learning. Firstly, the children will have learnt the principles of computation and have used these through simple programming. Secondly, they will to be able to use information technology to communicate and express themselves. Thirdly, they will to be able to follow simple rules to keep them safe online.We use a bespoke scheme to fit with our topics. We draw on resources from Barefoot Computing, Twinkl, BBC and Computing At School. This allows us to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences linked to other areas of the curriculum. |
How our Computing Curriculum is delivered...Skills are taught in discrete lessons once a week but often linked to topics. Skills are taught progressively, building on their learning in previous years. The lessons are designed to allow children to revisit previous learning across the year and key stage to embed and retain the learning. |
What difference is our Computing Curriculum making? What assessments we use? How we track progress...The impact will be seen in children have developed computation skills and can use these to problem solve. They will be able to explain the principles of E-safety. We use AfL to track children`s progress and then add Teacher Assessment to Target Tracker. |
Ways We Celebrate Computing at BFIS...Safer Internet Day each February with assembly, links to Boswells School, CAS meetings, E-Safety Training sessions (`The 2 Johns`), E-Safety Home/School Agreement for Parents/Carers, Computing After School Club. |
How our Computing Curriculum meets the needs of all Learners...Adapted keyboards and headphones are available. A mouse could be used by children who struggle with trackpads.More Able children are challenged through questioning.Specific programmes are available with SEN/EAL children in mind to help them access other areas of the school`s curriculum (e.g. Mathematics and English). |