The Board of Govenors is made up of the Head Teacher, a member of staff, parents, one person appointed by the Local Authority, and representatives of the local community. They meet at least once a term as a full Governing Body, as well as in committee meetings.
What are their responsibilities?
They decide, with the Head Teacher, the aims and policies of the school and how the standards of education can be improved.
They decide in general terms, how the school should be run. The Head Teacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.
With the Head Teacher and staff, governors help to draw up the School Development Plan.
They help, with the Head Teacher and the Local Authority, to decide how to spend the school budget.
They make sure that the national Curriculum, Foundation Stage Curriculum and Religious Education curriculum are taught appropriately, and that the school reports on children’s attainment within this.
They select the Head Teacher.
They assist in appointing other new staff.
They act as a link between the school and the local community.
They draw up an action plan after an Ofsted inspection, and make sure that it is put into place.
Individual governors have no power: the Governing Body acts together.
Septmeber 2022
K. Corbett - Chair of Governors (appointed by the LGB 09/07/2021). Previous Parent Governor (appointed 27/11/2019)
Z. Farmer - Headteacher
S Merrick - Staff Governor (appointed 12/12/2023)
M. Musson - Parent Governor (elected 24.01.2022)
T. Berrisford - Community Governor (appointed 10/03/2022)
G. Walker - Community Governor (appointed 10/03/22)
K. Jukes - Staff Governor (appointed 05.10.2023)