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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success


History Curriculum 2022 - 2023

During the Autumn Term EYFS will start learning simple vocabulary linked to the past as they journey to Storyland in their Mantle of the Expert. Year 1 and 2 will be enjoying Drop a Day sessions where they will find out about diverse significant individuals from the past. In November Year 2 will be learning about Remembrance and the life of Walter Tull. Year 1 will be exploring the life of Jane Goodall. 


Understanding the World - Early Years Reception

History -Key Stage 1

What we aim to achieve through our History Curriculum, the schemes we follow and why...

* For all learners we aim to create interest, enjoyment and engagement in learning about History. 

* Children who can engage in a process of enquiry based learning.

* We aim to develop the skills such as comparing and evaluating historical evidence that the children can take forward in to Key Stage 2.

* The National curriculum aims and objectives are followed, BFIS curriculum map  

* Children’s interest and high engagement.

* Practical activities relevant to children’s interests.

* Development of historical skills- identification of evidence, evaluation of evidence and historical vocabulary.

How our History Curriculum is delivered...

* Topic themed and cross curricular 

*Mantle of the expert

* Blocks of topic work across a term.

What difference is our History Curriculum making?  What assessments we use? How we track progress...

Progress is tracked using our bespoke Teacher Assessment grids, book looks and pupil voice.

Ways We Celebrate History...

* Drop a Days in Year 1 and 2 celebrating significant individuals.

* Class assemblies

* School Trips 

How our History Curriculum meets the needs of all Learners...

* Practical activities to interest and motivate. 

* Clear expectations for what children will record ie. Number of sentences, photos, scribing.

* Pre-teaching of vocabulary.

* Extended questioning, research challenges.