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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success

Mantle of the Expert


'Mantle of the Expert catches the children’s imagination and makes learning meaningful and exciting.'

'Mantle of the Expert works by the teacher planning a fictional context where the students take on the responsibilities of an expert team. As the team, they are commissioned by a client to work on a assignment, which has been planned to generate tasks and activities that will involve them in studying and developing wide areas of the curriculum.'

At BFIS we deliver some of our curriculum through Mantle of the Expert which is a child-led drama philosophy based on learners getting first-hand experiences through the Mantle. In Reception we work on an island of dinosaurs. In Year 1, our client is Percy the Park Keeper and in Year 2 we explore the Amazon jungle.  Children ‘step’ into the represented reality to gain a rich and meaningful context in which to learn. 

This is a child-led approach as learners are inspired by their own experiences of being in the Mantle.  Once 'in the Mantle' children work as experts in a team to solve problems. This approach to teaching and learning in our school is developing our curriculum further, ensuring that it is ambitious, based on knowledge and skills and encapsulates the cultural capital that all children need for their future.