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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success



At Barnes Farm Infant School, we teach children that if they work hard they can all succeed in Mathematics. We have a 'Growth Mindset' approach, where we encourage children to recognise and understand that mistakes are part of the learning process. 


We teach children the mathematical skills and knowledge through a 'mastery' approach. This is where they are given the opportunity to fully explore concepts and are able to apply theses in a range of contexts before they move onto something new. We allow children to be problem solvers and learn from each other as much as possible. Each class has a mathematics 'Working Wall' where key areas of learning in the week are added, so children can refer back to if needed. We encourage them to understand that 'the more we practise, the more it stays in our brain', a very useful memory technique for children to know and take ownership of. All mathematics lessons use a range of practical equipment in order to help children fully understand abstract mathematical concepts.

The Calculation Policy is attached below for your information. It shows the methods used to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We hope you find this useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


How Mathematics is taught at BFIS

Reception and Key Stage 1


What we aim to achieve through our Maths Curriculum?

What schemes we follow and why?

At Barnes Farm Infant School, we follow the ‘Mathematics Mastery’ scheme of learning for EYFS and KS1. This scheme is also used in the Junior School. We believe this enables the children to further consolidate and deepen their mathematical understanding in a consistent, familiar way. We want ALL children to believe they can become effective problem solvers and mathematicians.  By enabling them to make connections between concepts and by explaining their mathematical thinking using full sentences and correct vocabulary, children will demonstrate a deep understanding of the mathematics curriculum.

We believe in success for all, regardless of background. The Mathematics Mastery approach enables teachers to become more confident with subject knowledge, pedagogy and progression of calculation skills, in order for children to receive high quality teaching. It offers ongoing professional development for all staff within the school.

How our Mathematics Curriculum is delivered...

It is being delivered through using concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract representations alongside each concept. It is a cumulative curriculum where skills are revisited and built upon. We have a whole school approach to ‘Growth Mindset’, where children will develop a love of mathematics and see challenges as a way of deepening their learning, rather than seeing it as failure. Children are encouraged to take risks and explain/convince others of their mathematical thinking. The timetable has been adapted to ensure there is consistency across the year groups. There is a daily 1 hour session, plus a 20 minute daily mathematics meeting to consolidate key areas and close any gaps.

What difference our Mathematics Curriculum is making? 

What assessments we use? How we track progress...

Children are continuing to develop their growth mindset and know that they learn from mistakes. They are speaking in full mathematical sentences in order to embed their learning further. They are developing the skill of convincing and explaining their answers to others using correct mathematical vocabulary in full sentences. Children enjoy mathematics.

We use half termly assessments in year 1 and 2. Assessment for learning is fully embedded throughout EYFS and KS1.  This helps to inform teacher judgements and intervene urgently. Judgements are put on target tracker every term for the subject lead to analyse.

Ways We Celebrate Mathematics

We regularly celebrate children’s mathematical achievements during lessons, rewarding those with stickers who have gone ‘Over and Above’ (in line with our Behaviour Policy). Children also earn ‘Golden Time Squares’ for their class if they show positive learning choices within the lesson.  Children are also regularly awarded the ‘Capes of Success’ when demonstrating any of the key growth mind-set skills during a mathematics lesson. We celebrate mathematics on the weekly parent newsletter. Each week there is a strategy game or mathematical activity for children to try where they are encouraged to send a photograph to showcase extra home learning in this subject area. We are also hoping to re-establish a mathematics day with the Junior School, now that Covid restrictions have been lifted.