How we teach Physical Development & Expressive Arts in Reception and PE in Key Stage 1...
What we aim to achieve through our PE Curriculum...
To create a love of exercise.
To promote an active lifestyle.
To provide children with the opportunity to compete in a range of different sports.
To ensure children understand the importance of exercise and the effects it has on the body.
How our PE Curriculum is delivered...
2 PE lesson a week covering a range of PE
A skills progressive program linking to topic where possible.
Providing leadership opportunities – Links with ks2
Regular competitive opportunities – both intra and inter competitions.
Least active children provided with extra PE lesson/ Gym trail
A range of sporting clubs – all year groups.
Team teach lessons for Ks1
Sports day
Provide active lunchtimes – play facilitator
Promotion of active classrooms
What difference is our PE Curriculum making? What assessments we use? How we track progress...
Children have an increased understanding of the importance of PE
Children will have a better understanding of Physical literacy. (Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life)