Our BFIS School Council is a vehicle in which Barnes Farm Infant School's children get their 'voice heard'. It is important to our school to give our pupils the opportunity to have a say with important decisions around the school such as how we can improve the playground facilities.
Children in Years 1 and 2 decide if they would like to represent their class by becoming a School Councillor. At home, children compose a short speech or poster detailing why they would be a good School Councillor and what attributes they could bring to the role.
School Councillors change every term and meet regularly with Mrs Speller to discuss school issues, raise money for charity and generate pupil voice questionnaires to deliver to their classes.
Our BFIS School Council has a presence around the school not only for their peers but also when we have visitors and guests as they act as ambassadors. We get together with the Junior School School-Council to work on joint cross - phase projects.