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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success


Science at Barnes Farm Infant School

In science, we learn about the world around us. We observe how things work, grow and change.

We ask questions and work to find some answers to these questions.

We investigate and carry out tests so that we can find the answers to our questions.

We also learn about famous scientists and investors from the past a present.


How we teach Science at BFIS in Key Stage 1

What we aim to achieve through our curriculum? The schemes we follow and why? 

* We are providing the children with opportunities to gain both knowledge and practical skills.

* We encourage all children to have an enquiring mind and ask questions about the world around them.

* We have an exciting curriculum that engages, enthuses and motivates all learners.

* We give them the knowledge and confidence to ask questions leading into Key Stage 2.

How our Science Curriculum is delivered... 

Science is taught using a topic-based curriculum. We have planned investigations running alongside this throughout each year group. The Science National Curriculum is covered throughout the 2 years. Science knowledge can also be taught through our VIPERS sessions. Children also gain practical knowledge and skills through the Mantle of the Expert. 

What difference is our Science curriculum making?  What assessments we use? How we track progress.

This topic-based learning means that Science is purposeful.

Children understand what they are learning and why.

We assess Science termly using Target Tracker generated by teacher assessments.

Ways We Celebrate Science at BFIS 

Displays in the classroom and throughout the school.

Science is closely linked with eco-schools.

We have other schools visit and teacher our children and share resources (New Hall).

Each year group has a Science based school trip each year.

Science week – parents and family members are invited in to work alongside their children, competitions and Science club.

How our Science Curriculum meets the needs of all Learners...

* Practical activities to motivate all learners

* Questioning, photographs, equipment, extra resources, scribing

* Simple View of Writing


How we teach Understanding The World in Early Years Reception

We have an exciting practical curriculum designed to motivate and excite all learners. We encourage children to ask questions about the word around them.

We offer a  bespoke topic-based curriculum taught through the Mantle of the Expert. The children are encouraged to have enquiring minds and provided with a wealth of opportunities to gain practical knowledge and skills.

Our curriculum encourages children to have both the confidence and knowledge to ask questions about the world around them. We assess the children through questioning and investigations. This progress is recorded through Understanding the world – development matters termly using Target Tracker.

Ways We Celebrate Science/Understanding The World in Reception

Displays in the classroom and throughout the school.

* School trip – in the Summer term the children visit Boydells Farm.

* Science week – parents and family members are invited in to work alongside their children.

* The Reception children take part in the whole school science competition.