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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success

Week Commencing 27.04.20

Each day we will upload a Home Learning Menu to support parent/carers during the school closure.

If your child has enjoyed an activity from a previous week and would like to do it again, please feel free to look back at our previous menus for the links and information. 

Don't forget to stay in touch by uploading to Seesaw - we really enjoy seeing what you are all up to! 

This week...

Wednesday 29th April - International Dance Day

International Dance Day is a worldwide event that celebrates all genres of dance.

It was created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) - the world's largest organisation for the performing arts.

It tries to encourage participation and education in dance by hosting events and festivals across the world. It celebrates those who appreciate the value of dance and acts as a wake-up call to the governments and politicians who have not yet recognised its value to the people.

It also celebrates bringing together people of different cultures, and respects and understands diversity.

You can find out more about International Dance Day by visiting their website!


Friday 1st May  - Space Day

A fantastic day to celebrate all things to do with space! On the first Friday of May, Space Day is celebrated in order to promote observation of the other, many planets around us. This year, Space Day falls on the 1st  May, so you may like to take a look at some of the resources on the links below.


TCS - Book of Creativity

The Children's Society have also created a 'Book of Creativity' with lots of mindfulness activities that you may enjoy.  Please see the PDF below.


Have a lovely week!