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Barnes Farm Infant School

Barnes Farm Infant School

Building Futures, Inspiring Success

Zones of Regulation

We introduced the 'Zones of Regulation' in April 2019 after recognising that lots of our children needed support to identify and manage their emotions.

It has been extremely successful and is now embedded in the ethos of our school.

We are aiming for all children to be able to…

  • Recognise a range of emotions in themselves and others.

  • To understand that it is okay to feel emotions associated with red, blue and yellow i.e. anger, sadness, anxiety.

  • To develop ways to self-regulate their emotions.

How we teach the Zones of Regulation at BFIS

  • Zones of Regulation lessons are planned for each year group as part of our PSHE curriculum.

  • As a core ethos of the school, the Zones are used to support children during all times of the school day and parent/carers are encouraged to be aware of the Zones too. 

  • Each classroom has an interactive display used for the children to identify how they are feeling. This then indicates to staff that the child needs support.

  • Discreet teaching takes place during assemblies.

  • Although a whole school approach, personalised Zones strategies are used for individual children if needed.

The children's views are collected regularly to ensure that lessons/the ethos of the Zones of Regulation are being taught effectively and that it is embedded in the children’s understanding of their emotions.